About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I think we are in good hands!

I got a call this morning from Dr. Lee (our new peditrician). He was reading over the notes from Dr. Pavkovics office and wanted to ask some questions. I am so relieved! I wasn't just one of the nurses calling, it was the doctor himself! He asked what was going on with the Lamictal and I shared what was discussed with both of the neurologists. He read me an excerpt from a prescription dictionary (I think that is where it was from) that said there is no exact theraputic level for Lamictal. It is theraputic according to how the patient reacts to it. He was saying that according to that statement he thinks I am completely justified with not wanting to increase it. He also asked if Dr. Pavkovic made any suggestions about Jayen's acidosis. Apparently his acidosis levels have gotten worse. If not treated this could really affect Jayen and his development. I'm so thankful that he was looking out for us and spotted this discrepancy. I'm not sure why Dr. Pavkovics office did not catch this, but I am so happy and excited that we have a doctor looking out for us. Can't wait to actually meet him! Thanks a million Dr. Lee!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Offutt Air Show

What a long weekend. We were invited to the special needs air show on Friday. I was a little rainy but otherwise a great day to be outside. The boys are in love with airplanes and enjoyed watching all of the tricks. Jayen was fascinated and couldn't stop smiling. He was pointing and following the planes in the sky. It was so great to see.
We went on Saturday as a family and got to walk inside some of the planes. Daddy had to work on of the booths on Sunday so we decided to bother him. We spent the whole weekend on the runway at Offutt Air Force Base but it was worth all the great memories we made!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Dalan

Today is Dalan's birthday. We celebrated with our family and closest friends. What a great day. We rented the shelter house at Halleck Park to have lunch then went fishing. Both of the boys love fishing and had fun showing everyone their skills!
Jayen's pole doesn't have any hooks on it. We tied the rubber weight that came with the pole on the end. He loves practicing casting and reeling it in.
I think everyone had a great time. What a perfect day to celebrate a wonderful 4 year old! Love you Dalan Mathew Hochstein!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I don't think so!!!

Pavkovics office called back today and said Jayen's lamictal level was low. It isn't at a theraputic level and they would like me to slowly increase until we are almost double where he currently is. I don't understand. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD WE DO THAT? He is seizure free. Why are we making changes? If it is not theraputic and he is still seizure free then why wouldn't we just get rid of it? I told the nurse I would like to conference with Minnesota first.

After talking with Dr. Frost's nurse and her talking with him, he completely agreed with me. Leave the lamictal alone for now. We will go back and see Dr. Frost on September 13th and if there are any changes we will do them then. I just don't feel like I can always trust Dr. Pavkovic here anymore. I don't like having that feeling. I wish I was more knowledgeable about neurological issues. No matter what I will always do what I feel is best for my baby!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nebraska Neurologist

Just got back from vacation and had to go in to see Dr. Pavkovic. It was just a follow-up visit.
Everything has been going great! Jayen has been seizure free since May 20th! Dr. Pavkovic was happy with the way things were going. He decided to get lab results again and see where we are.