About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hope Kids Sky Zone

She thought it was still her birthday party, so we let her think that! We had scheduled a Hope Kids event a while back for the Sky Zone indoor trampoline park. I had done something like this last year for Jayen's birthday when Matt was gone so I thought this would be fun to do with the whole family.
We couldn't get Jayen off of the basketball hoop. I think he stayed there for at least an hour. I'm so thankful that they opened the door early for us. The Hope Kids were the only ones there.

Brilyn's favorite had to be the cube pit. I think she played in this as long as Jayen was at the basketball hoop.

Jayen kept running by this hurricane machine and requesting to go in. I don't think he had any clue what it was. We did something like this in Kansas and both of the boys freaked out before it hit top speed, so I didn't think they would last very long. Matt insisted on doing though! Dalan's friend from school, and Hope Kid himself, wanted in on the action too. I thought Dalan had just met a friend at the event and they were having fun together. I didn't realize until we were leaving that they knew each other before today. It was pretty cool. I can't wait to set up a play date with those two boys.

Sky Zone was amazing! I can't wait to come back again. We are so thankful to the Sky Zone owners and employees for allowing us to be there!
When we got home the kids were tired and we were able to get naps out of them. I think the adults took one too! But when we woke up I realized we forgot to give someone her birthday gifts yesterday. Whoops! I quickly wrapped what I could together and we had her open them. What a spoiled little girl!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Princess

I always go a little crazy on birthdays. My parties are always a little over the top. My goal is not to show anyone up or get the praise, but to make my child feel like the most special person on their day.
I tried to make Brilyn feel that way today. When she went to bed last night, Matt and I blew up every balloon we had in the house and threw them in her room. I found some left over streamers, from our wedding I believe, and covered her door. I wanted her to know as soon as she opened her eyes, that she was special!

When she woke up, this was the smile I got. I was sad Daddy wasn't home to see it, so I was prepared with the camera! I think she knew right away!
Brilyn went to the store with me and picked out blueberry muffins for her breakfast. After breakfast we got ready to go to our first surprise. Since we are still trying to find all the cool and fun places here, I put a request on a few facebook sites asking for suggestions and was told about Playgrounds. It sounded similar to the activity center at Mahoney State Park. I thought it was perfect.

The kids had a great time. Dalan was being such a good big brother. I think he wanted to make the day special for her too! I'm pretty sure they played for about three hours. They would have stayed longer, but Jayen had therapy today so we had to leave to get lunch. The birthday girl requested Chick-Fil-A. Thanks google maps for finding us a Chick-Fil-A! Again, still learning where everything is. We quickly ate our chicken then a waitress presented the birthday girl with her very own "Eat More Chicken" cow and a bowl of ice cream. I wish we would have had more time to eat the ice cream. I think everyone took one bite and it was time to scoot. But not before getting a balloon! I love that they give the kids books for toys and balloons on the way out!

At therapy Brilyn got to pick the movie that was playing in the lobby. I think that made her feel special. She brought her balloon in and was sharing it with another little girl. After therapy we still had to go home and take naps. But as soon as we woke up it was back to special day. The kids were told to put their swim suits on and we lathered them up. I took them to a splash pad near the house. It is just a little one, but I didn't want to go too far away since I knew Matt was getting home soon. Jayen was now being the big helper. Brilyn needed help getting her shoes off and water shoes on. Jayen so meticulously unbuttoned her jellies and helped her put on her water shoes. I was so proud!  

Yep, the balloon came to the water park too!

They were all having a blast! While they were busy in the water, I was setting up the next event. Through my post on facebook, someone suggested coming to their ranch and taking her for a horse ride. How could I not? She LOVES horses. Did I say she loves horses? What a perfect present. I was even told I could split the time between the three kids. We ran home, changed into riding clothes, and were on our way.

She was such a natural. They all had the biggest smile on their faces. I can't wait to get them back to Nebraska and let them ride with their uncles. I was so happy this worked out. I think it was the perfect present for Brilyn, but I was probably more shocked when Jayen decided he wanted to ride. I have always wanted him to do equine therapy, but he has always been too scared to get near the horses. My post a while ago talked about how my brother Tom got Jayen to hug a horse. I honestly feel that is why he was open to getting on the horse. We didn't push it on him. Brilyn and Dalan both had two turns before Jayen even asked to ride. I think letting him see them do it first made him more comfortable. This was supposed to be Brilyn's birthday present, but I think this was the best present for me. Seeing all my kids smile like they did was so incredibly special.
After our time riding had expired, we ran home to change again. There was one last stop before this day was over. It almost seems like a family tradition to go bowling on a birthday. The kids have been begging to go since we moved. We found a bowling alley not too far from the house. We ordered pizza, loaded tater tots, and guacamole and chips; dinner and bowling! I'm pretty sure I was winning until the tenth frame when Matt got a strike and got an extra ball.

 I had an amazing time and believe the kids did as well. I hope someone felt extra special today. Happy 3rd birthday Princess Brilyn Nicole!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Mommy finally got around to finding a new dentist for the kids. Just in time too! It has six months and one week since their last appointment. I did a little research and found this amazing dentist with the cutest, kid friendly office. The place looks like a giant tree house/forest. Even the sinks are covered in tree bark. I showed the kids the pictures from their website to hopefully alleviate some of the anxiety. I think we were all still blown away. They even had stuffed animals with a full set of teeth.

The kids did so well! We let Jayen go back for x-rays by himself hoping that he would just go with the flow and do what the hygienist asked. Daddy kept peeking around the corner and he was doing so good! Everyone did great! Until...until it was time to clean Jayen's teeth. I don't know why, but he doesn't like to lay down. He's fine sitting in the chair but when it comes time to lay down he bolts. We weren't able to convince him to get his teeth cleaned with the instruments. We were only allowed to use a toothbrush. Oh well, pick your battle!
We thought everything was going pretty well until we got the final word from the dentist. Finally tally came to Jayen 3 cavities, Dalan 6 cavities and Brilyn 9 cavities. Mommy is a little freaked out since this means that Jayen will have to be sedated to complete these fixes. Not sure I can handle that right now. Nor the cost of all these procedures. AHHHH!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Goodbye Allissa

Why does it have to come to an end? I've loved every minute of having my sister here. We've been planning on going to a Diamondback's game for at least a month now. Shawn Lambrecht came down from Las Vegas to go with us. He's a huge Cubs fan.

Allissa and Dalan had to get in one wrestling match before she left. Dalan was so sure he was going to beat her. It didn't happen.

 He put his hat over his heart for the national anthem. He did it all on his own. I was one proud momma!
Brilyn couldn't get enough of Shawn. I had to send this picture to Shawn's wife. Hope she wasn't too jealous!

Yeah yeah we look alike, I know! I going to miss you Sis! Wish you could stay!

I love these boys! It is so fun hanging out with them. Thanks Nolan, Darin, and Jason for going to the game with us. We love spending time with you guys. I can't believe how good our kids are together. I would have thought they had been friends forever.

After the game we headed to the elevator to run the bases again. I love being able to go on the field. I think some of the biggest kids loved it too.

After the game, it was time to take Allissa to the airport. I think I started crying before we left the ball field. Matt was so nice and took all the kids with him so I could have some time with my sister before she left. We were at the airport early enough so we grabbed a bite to eat. The lady behind the counter asked us how our day was and once again we both started crying. Our day was amazing until right now when I have to start saying goodbye. I love my sister and have loved every second I've had with her. I don't want her to leave. We cried thought our meal and all the way to the gate, but had to laugh when she got stuck at security. I was waiting until she was past before I left. It took almost a half an hour to get through security. The police had to be called to clear her. Allissa's purse was camouflage with two metal gun shapes on the front. Yep, the guns set off the metal detector and had to be cleared by two police officers before she could go. It was worth the laugh. Glad she was there early enough! Goodbye sister. I love you and will miss you. Look at your calendar and let me know when you can come back again.

When I got back to the house I helped the kids get ready for bed. Brilyn was so excited to sleep on Allissa's side of the bed. I think she misses her already.

Matt, Shawn, and I stayed up to play some Phase 10. We allowed Dalan to stay up for a little bit. He thought he was so cool being able to stay up late. He was such a card shark. I think the hat brought him luck. He was kicking all our butts!

What an amazing weekend! Wish it wouldn't end. So glad it is Memorial Day tomorrow and I get one more day with my hubby and family.