About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Eve

Last year before we moved, we were able to celebrate New Years Eve with Mike, Renee, William and Mallory. It was such a special memory to be able to include them in our tradition. Matt and I have been taking the kids to see the fireworks from the casino since Dalan was a baby. We usually get Casey's pizza and eat picnic style in the back of the car. It is slightly crazy having 5 kids and two grown men in the back, but worth the memories! Especially since us ladies have gotten the front seat the last two years! When it gets close to time for the fireworks to start we bundle back up and head to side of the parking garage. I honestly think it is one of the best views in town!

After fireworks we rushed back to Mike and Renee's to watch some football game (yeah, I didn't pay much attention but Mike really wanted to see it). The kids were playing together great! The adults were getting some much needed adult time. Life was perfect! We even made it until midnight but not much more than that. I love our Loftus friends family. I am so lost without Renee in my life as much. I really miss her and can't wait until we can be closer in proximity.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

travel here and there and everywhere. Where we stop, no one knows!

It was time for us to leave Wynot and head towards Lincoln and Omaha. As much fun as I have with my family, I know I have to allow Matt that same time with his. It is always so hard saying goodbye. We wanted to make sure that we saw Marcus, Heather, Reganne, and Issac so we headed there first.  Since it was just their birthdays, Matt made sure to bring along Marcus' present. Of course, he has the same birthday wrapping paper issue that Matt has, so we purposely took Christmas wrapping paper and wrote "Birthday" all over it so it became birthday wrapping paper. Inside the box was the real present wrapped in real birthday wrapping paper. We were also able to exchange a couple name exchange and Godparent gifts since Matt's family had Christmas the day we left Arizona. More than the gifts, the kids and I really enjoyed just hanging out! Brilyn was glued to Reganne. She watcher her every move and eventually got close enough to even play on her phone. Jayen was busy getting into everything in Issac's room. We had to try to contain him to a smaller area and got him to play cards at the table. Dalan and Issac layered on the snow gear again and went to the park. I knew he was going to have to get in as much snow time as he could now. There isn't much of it near our house! The boys are only a couple year apart and are so much alike. I am so thankful for the time they get together and always wish there was more. But just like everywhere, we eventually had to say goodbye and head to the next stop.

Matt's mom had been calling trying to figure out when we were going to get there. We left Marcus' and headed towards Omaha. We hadn't even eaten lunch and it was nearly two in the afternoon. We were literally trying to fit anything and everything into the days we had left and would figure out when and where we would eat, sleep and change when it happened. We could only plan so much and so far in advance, but not only were our plans changing by the second but so were all the people we needed to meet up with. At one point Matt had to drop us off to get a bite to eat while he ran an errand. My head was spinning in a hundred different directions. We were able to squeeze in a quick hello with Mark, Nikki, McKenna, and Jackson Dorn and Jason, Rikki, Grant and Aubrey Hayek before heading over to see Dorothy and John at his house. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up something to make for dinner since we knew we would only continue to run around. What a mad rush it had become. I was thankful too see most of Matt's family and have time with them. But I really wanted to get my tired and crabby kids to bed and enjoy a minute of peace. My friend Nikki had an open room at her house and it was right down the street so we headed there. The kids were in bed and asleep in less than 20 minutes and I was finally able to sit back and relax. The drinks might have been helping a little too! Laughing and drinking with Nikki brought back so many memories. I miss home. I miss being here. I miss my friends and family. I miss my old life. Why did this move happen? I miss the time we had with family and friends and not having to squeeze everything into such a short amount of time.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tears of joy or sadness?

We were supposed to meet up with my cousin Tara and her daughter Hannah today to go sledding, but after naps she sent me a text saying they were going to go out at 3 o'clock instead of 2 o'clock like we originally planned. That worked out so much better for us since the kids were still napping at my mom's house. I was struggling to stay awake but finally found enough energy when my watch turned to 3 o'clock.  I woke the kids and layered them in everything warm thing we brought with us and sent Tara another text stating we were on our way. I was a little saddened with her response, "We are just heading in now." What? Did they go without us? Why didn't they wait....WAIT, my watch is set to Mountain Time Zone yet, we missed sledding by a whole hour! I was so sad we missed that time with them. Dalan and Jayen were in their snow gear and ready to go, so I took them down to see Tara and Hannah at her mom's house. They played outside while I was able to chat inside. I've missed her so much. After talking as long as the kids would allow me, we ran back to the house to pick up Matt, Brilyn and Allissa and head to the hill. Tom, Tanya, Madison, Hunter, Morgan and Brooklyn all joined us for a little sledding too. I might miss the non freezing temps in Arizona, but nothing is better than freezing my butt off with family. I had the most incredible time. The laughs and cries (Matt's sled went right over a railroad tie and messed up his back pretty bad as well as the kids apparently getting too cold and screaming the entire way back to the house) were worth every second!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Goodbye's SUCK!

With our limited time in Nebraska we are trying to squeeze in as many visits as we can. After finally getting everyone out of bed and dressed for the day we headed up to Yankton to see my Grandma Foxhoven. I had a present for her, thanks to my friend Kerrie, that I thought she would love. Grandma caught pneumonia right before the holidays and had to be hospitalized. I would normally be able to walk across the yard to see her, but this time was different. It really made me realize how fast time is flying. How little time I have with my loved ones. I don't want a moment to go by without letting them know how much they mean to me. Grandma's present was a plaque engraved with, "Grandma Prayers are the reason most of us are still here!" I knew she would like it, but also knew it was my turn to start praying for her. My grandma has prayed more rosaries for my family than years I've been on the earth. She prayed for us when we were trying to get pregnant, she prayed for us when we found out about our second pregnancy was a little different, she prayed for us when Jayen started having seizures, and she has continued to pray for us daily! I can't thank her enough for her healing prayers. It was so great seeing her, but we couldn't stay too long (or we all would have melted! I guess we are supposed to be used to that heat coming from Arizona, but her room was set at 90 degrees. Too hot for anyone to handle.) I was so glad I got to see her and tell her I love her, but also to pray for her.
After visiting with grandma we had to make another stop while in Yankton, we tried visiting with the Kapla's but they were not able to meet up with us so we wasted our time the best way we knew how...BONANZA! Not only do I love Bonanza, but I love Bonanza with my huge, crazy, obnoxious family. There is nothing like getting a table for nearly 20 of us and laughing so hard milk comes out of someone's nose. There wasn't enough room at the adult table, so when my mom joined us we so graciously gave her the remaining seat at the kids table. I think she kind of like it. I really can't get enough of this time with my family. I smile and cry when I see they kids playing together. I've always dreamed of my kids having such an amazing relationship with their cousins. I'm so grateful for the times we do have.

I'm also grateful for the time my kids get with their aunts and uncles. After Bonanza we headed to Hartington to hand out with Matt's dad and brother Adam. Typically Adam eats with us and leaves to head to some friends house, but this time was different. He really stuck around and was interested in what the kids were doing. I never told him, but I'm so thankful he did. I'm sure he had other places to be or cooler friend to be with, but he choose us. He played Minecraft with Dalan, catch with Jayen and a golf ball drop with Brilyn. He made each and everyone of them feel special. Which made me feel special! We were even able to play a game of Kings Crowns, Dallas' favorite card game. These are some of my favorite memories. Cards are always a big part of a Hochstein gathering. I couldn't imagine it any other way.
Saying goodbye is always hard. I hate them! You never know what tomorrow will bring. You never know when it will be your last goodbye. Not only did we have a hard time saying goodbye to Great-Grandma Foxhoven, Grandpa Hochstein, and Uncle Adam but Dalan really hates saying goodbye to our dog Josie. Thank you Dallas for keeping her for us. I love that Dalan still gets to see her. Of course, now I have to listen to him ask 100 times when she gets to come live with us again.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Kuchta family Christmas

Although I am terribly sick of the snow already (not really, but driving through that last night still has me scared!) the kids were ready to play! I think Jayen had his gloves on his hands the second he woke up. He is my outdoor enthusiast. He would be outside all day every day! Tom, Tanya, Madison, Hunter, Morgan and Brooklyn came down to mom and dad's house a little early to play in the snow before our Christmas party started. The kids all bundled up and headed outside. Brilyn has been begging to make snow angels for weeks since we forgot to do it in Flagstaff when we visited Santa. We were a little worried grandma and grandpa weren't going to have snow at their house to play in, but thankfully Mother Nature made that all possible a couple days ago. I still can't get over how cold it is here. The windchill alone is making me ready to go back to Arizona. WAIT! DID I JUST SAY THAT? Don't worry, I still plan on moving back to Nebraska in T-minus 4 years. 

The little girls didn't last long before they were whining and pounding on the door for grandma to let them in. I didn't care what they were doing as long as they were doing it together. Man I miss seeing these two giggle and play together. Their laughter is making me forget about the weather and roads we just drove on. After warming up some toes and noses with a little hot apple cider it was time to start the Christmas party!
My mom, once again, started the party with a little anonymous cheer. Ms. Anonymous struck again this year. For three years now, Ms. Anonymous has been sending a Christmas card to my mom's house. The card always has the most elegant words and a large amount of money sent to Jayen to pay for his educational needs. I am always so humbled by her generosity. I know why mom my makes us start our Christmas with it. It is not only a reminder of the good in the world, but the good we can give the world. Ms. Anonymous, you are an amazing, generous person. I sincerely can't thank you enough for the gift you have given my son. We are so grateful for the things we are able to provide him because of you. You are an angel sent to us. I will not only spread the wonderful news of your blessing to encourage others, but I will do my best to follow in your footsteps and bless others. Merry Christmas and I hope you are surrounded by love and happiness this holiday season. 
When we exchange gifts at grandma's house the tradition is to give a hug to the member you are exchanging with. These are some of my favorite memories (and pictures)! Not all of my family was able to attend our Christmas party this year and I am incredibly saddened by this. To not be able to give them a hug and have their presence with us was heartbreaking. We did have an addition to the party this year; Allissa brought her fiancĂ©, John Savoy. It was nice to finally meet him as her boyfriend/fiancĂ©; I met him a few years ago at Matt's dad's house. John is good friends with Matt's brother Adam. What a small world. Like so many years ago, it was funny to sit back and watch the little girls swoon all over him. I can remember another little girl always claiming to steal my boyfriend. 

The hugs were endless, the laughter contagious, and the presents and food plentiful. I couldn't have asked for my heart to be fuller. I'm so thankful that we were able to be here. I'm so blessed to have such an amazing family!