About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Television debut

I would do anything for my child, but I never thought it would lead me to a live television interview! I was approached by the president of the Arizona Autism Network of the West Valley, aka my friend Kerrie, to go on live television and talk about our upcoming Sensitive Santa event. At first I wasn't sure I wanted to say yes, but I realized how wonderful of an opportunity to get the word out about our event. I have helped do this event both years it was put on. I am a very active member of the committee and understood why I was asked. Even though I knew so much about the event, it didn't calm my nerves at all!

It was a very early morning, but so rewarding. And yes, they did call me Kerrie multiple times. So happy we were able to do the interview and bring awareness to our event and other events in the area. I'm also so thankful to Kerrie for making me step out of my comfort zone to do this as well as even having the wild idea of getting this whole thing started. I can't tell you enough how thankful I am for you!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Another family holiday without the family part! We are so thankful for the friends who have decided to be our family! Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving with the Mayberrys. Traditional fixings were plentiful, I even tried my hand at a traditional Hungarian dessert for Eva's mom, Nana. But the giggles and laughter of the kids was my most treasured memory. Jayen, and all the kids, enjoys playing with Brennan, Nicholas, and Abigail. Brennan was even lending his horse skills to Jayen and Brilyn until they rode their horse too much and he croaked!

If we have to be away from family, this is where I would want to be. Thankful for the time we have together as a family, the family who will always be there for us, and the friends who feel like family.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Tears of Joy

Jayen came home from school and opened his backpack and proceeded to hand me this. I about dropped to the floor in tears. It couldn't be a mistake, his name was at the top. I know exactly what this means and I can't believe it. We have gotten these invitations before for Dalan but never in my wildest would I have thought that a teacher would have nominated Jayen for an award at school. When parents receive this invitation, it means that their child won and they want you there to help them celebrate. I can't thank his teacher, Ms. Mullins, enough for seeing him as a member of the class. For seeing him as a student deserving of an award.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Lunch with mom and dad

I was supposed to turn in a permission slip and payment to have a Thanksgiving meal with the kids at school, but I didn't see the permission slip until after the due date to return it. So we decided to get our own meal and still have lunch with the kids. It doesn't happen very often but it is always a special treat! I was able to be there for Jayen's lunch, but had to leave to pick up Brilyn during Dalan's. Good thing daddy is home and can help!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Fun Run

Daddy finally comes home today! It has been a long week pulling both mom and dad duty. I was able to drop the kids off at school and Brilyn and I went to pick him up. We were able to get back just in time to get to school to watch Jayen and Dalan participate in the Fun Run. I was so excited for Jayen to participate with his friends. He, however, was more excited to socialize and high five everyone than he was concerned about how many laps he completed. Dalan might have to show him how it's done next time! Great job boys! I'm so proud of you for running and helping your school earn money to buy new computer equipment.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Biggest Mileston EVER

Today marks 2 years since Jayen's last seizure. We shared treats with friends for Jayen's birthday and the start of Epilepsy awareness month which also asked them to wear purple today to support Jayen and others suffering from epilepsy. Dalan's teacher asked if she could invite her class to join in. I was honored. Jayen's teacher sent out reminders through their class dojo to all the kids. And Ms. Laura asked if she could include all of Brilyn's classmates as well. The support was amazing. We even opened it up and shared with our family and friends to wear their purple today and send us a picture. The response was AMAZING! Jayen you are loved and supported and I hope you always know that!

I never thought we would get to this place, but I'm so thankful we are! Here's to more years seizure free!