About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, July 31, 2015


We were able to work things out so Brilyn and I could meet up with the rest of the girls for manicures and pedicures before rehearsal tonight. We really needed Allissa's help with the little ones before and during the wedding, but she couldn't get off work before noon. Brilyn and I were able to ride to Lincoln with Theresa and Matt stayed until noon to pick up Allissa then headed down. It was so nice to be with the rest of the girls, but it was so cute to see my baby get her first mani and pedi! Brilyn even made a new best friend with the other flower girl.

After nails we got to quickly stop by and meet baby Luke and catch up with my friend Josie Cannon. My hands were too busy holding the amazingly cute little man that I didn't take one single picture. Oh, I'm so excited for Josie and her family. I knew she would be a good mom, but she turned out to be an amazing one! Congrats Cannon family!
We wanted to check into the hotel and drop some of our bags off before rehearsal. There was a little confusion at the front desk and a hair emergency on Theresa's part, so we got checked in and had to rush to get to rehearsal on time.

I can't wait for tomorrow. Jayen and Brilyn looked so cute. I'm nervous about how well they will do, but excited for this opportunity for them. Dalan has a very important role too; he has to announce that Marcus may now kiss Heather! He was very nervous and wasn't sure he was going to do it. I had to promise him a special present. Thankfully mom and I picked up some new Nintendo DS games when we were shopping, so I had something I could use. Rehearsal went well so the kids were rewarded with a little swimming before bed. Everyone better get their beauty sleep, tomorrow is the big day!


Thursday, July 30, 2015

camping and swimming at joan's

Last night we met Tom and the kids out at Cottonwood for some camping. We had the most incredible time.

In the morning we made breakfast and the kids finished off four cans of hash! They must have been starving. After breakfast, Matt took the boys and their new fishing poles to the lake while the rest of us cleaned up. We tried giving them some time before the other kids noticed. We forgot to buy bait, but there was ample amount flying around; Mayflies seemed to be the best bait ever. The boys would catch them, bait their own hooks, cast by themselves, and catch a fish within minutes. Matt even taught them how to take the fish off the line. I was so proud of all of them. The only issue we had was there were only two poles and seven kids wanting to fish. But the smiles by everyone every time a fish was pulled on shore was worth every ounce of crabbing about not sharing.

Thanks for the great time camping Tom and Tanya. I'm so happy we have memories like these!
Tomorrow we have to drive to Lincoln for the wedding rehearsal, so tonight was the only night we could meet up with Tara and Hannah Hilfiker. They just drove in from North Dakota and I was so excited that it worked out to see them before we left. We were able to meet them at my aunt Joan's house and go swimming in her new pool. The slide was a big hit. Dalan and Hannah couldn't stop going down; Jayen and Brilyn wanted nothing to do with it though. A little later in the evening Lindy and her family pulled up. They just drove in from Omaha. I was so excited to see them since it didn't work out when we were in Omaha to stop and see them. What a special treat to be with my cousins. Our time left in Nebraska is dwindling, but I'm loving every minute of the time we've had. Thanks Tara, Hannah, Lindy, Carl, Elizabeth, Sam, Katie, Joan and Gregg for the fun night.  

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Impromptu birthday party for the boys

I had asked Tanya about doing a party for the boys' birthday a while ago, but we just didn't make any plans; until yesterday. We decided last minute to have a party at the St. Helena park after church. It was nice that quite a few people could make it. I have to give Tanya so much credit, she did all the work. I showed up with some fruit and she did EVERYTHING else. I'm so grateful for the time the kids got with their cousins.

The boys decided to eat their lunch at the top of the slide.

Matching fishing poles from Grandma and Grandpa Kuchta!

We had so much family there to celebrate. I can't believe these boys are going to be 8. Happy early Birthday Dalan and Hunter!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Truly cornhuskers!

I love sharing this tradition with the kids. I remember putting corn away as a little kid at the farm house. I remember when I was finally allowed to move up to the electric knife. I was like moving from the kid table to the adult table. I wish my kids would have more of these hard working memories. Everyone helps and everyone gets to eats. No one leaves hungry; you might not want to look at corn again for a while, but not hungry! We couldn't stay all day to help, but felt like we contributed! Matt's class reunion was today so we had to leave a little after noon. I hope the help we left actually helps or stays out of the way!

Thanks for all the memories!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Couldn't fit it all in.

We tried so hard to get to see everyone, but there just wasn't enough time. I was able to arrange things with my mom that we would stay through today and drive home tonight. We picked up Matt from Lincoln and were able to hit up the new outlet mall on the way back. I've been craving a Voo Doo taco and finally got my fix. It might be a good thing we don't live so close to this place anymore. I think I could have gone crazy shopping. My little diva and I could do some damage to daddy's wallet!

We had to leave shopping early so mommy could see Gina. I'm so excited I didn't have to find a new hair stylist when we moved. Since I only get my hair done once a year I think I can just keep her! She did an amazing job as always! I feel like a new person.

Mark and Nikki Dorn invited us to the baseball game with them. I really miss them and wanted to try to make it work. We were able to pick up tickets for the kids for $1 a piece. I invited Evan and his girls, since we didn't get a chance to meet up with them, and Renee and Mike too. We met up with all of them at Werner Park. Yep, we got in two games while we were there. They might start to recognize me too, Renee!
We had the most amazing time. I really miss all of these people. They are truly some of best friends. I'm so lost without them. The kids had so much fun as well. And the added bonus was it was a fireworks night. I felt so cheated on the fourth, that this was so special. I got to sit under the stars with my love, kids (two of them), best friends and watch more fireworks than I saw on Independence Day in Arizona. I never want to leave!

Thank you for the amazing time! I can't wait to see you all again. Now for the late night drive back to my mom's house.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Paying for the relaxation!

I think we may have to pay for taking so much time for ourselves. Today was filled with so many places to be. Daddy wanted to go to his old work and say hi to Mr. Mark but mommy had to take Jayen to see Dr. Toth. We also had so many friends still asking when we were going to stop and we just can't seem to fit it all in! We are supposed to go back tomorrow so we can help grandma put away sweet corn, but I'm so torn. I really want to stop and see everyone.
We were able to stop by work, Dr. Toth, Rikki's house, dropped Matt of in Lincoln to get Adam's car to take to Fremont to get his tattoo fixed, dropped Dalan off with Issac and Theresa to head back to Hartington, a little shopping by mommy with two kids in tow, then to Renee's for the night. Mallory wasn't feeling well the last few days, so we were super excited to get to spend the evening with them. They were bummed Dalan didn't come, but he was getting some quality time in with his cousin. I wish he could have been there but I myself am understanding the struggles of being in so many places at once. We had such a fun night. The kids played outside (which we don't get to do much of right now in Arizona because of the intense heat) and the mommies were able to sit on the deck, drink and chit chat. I miss these days!

What a fantastic night with some amazing friends! I wish Matt could have been here with us, but I'm sure they are whooping it up at the bachelor party!