About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


We don't usually add extra activities to our week day because we are so crazy busy with therapy, homework, dinner, baths and bedtime that there really isn't time to squeeze anything else into our day. But our friends Kerrie and Conor wanted us to join them in checking out a new place that opened in town. We haven't been able to play with them in a long time so we decided to bite the bullet and go for it. We had therapy until 5 then rushed home and shoved some food down the kids, then rushed to meet them at Luv2Play. It reminded me a lot of the activity center at Mahoney State Park but on a smaller scale. There were slides and ball pits and laughs all around. I was so impressed with so many things at this place. From the moment we arrived I was pleasantly surprised with their special needs discounts. I've never seen that before. What an amazing idea. Kerrie and I were checking out the place to see if it is somewhere we could have a monthly autism get together for our AZANOW organization. What a special thing to have a discount for special needs kids as well as a sibling discount when you are bringing the whole family! 
I continued to be impressed by the amount of staff walking around watching everything but each with a rag and cleaning solution in their hand. I don't know if this was because it was the end of the night or if it was their policy, but they were constantly cleaning. That is huge in my book. Jayen is always catching germs and getting sick every time I turn around. If they are cleaning as often as I noticed he is less likely to catch something at such a pubic place like this! 
We scoped out the exists and strategically placed ourselves where we could keep an eye on the kids and the exits at all times. I was also able to scope out the food service area. There were two young adults in the kitchen area messing around with ingredients. They were so nice and informed me that they are both students at the culinary institute and were trying to create new menu items. Again, impressed! The items on the current menu looked appetizing and somewhat healthy. Their food bar had choices for the very young, individual portions of puffs and yogurt melts, as well as healthy options like hummus or veggies. 
I think the kids, young and young at heart, all enjoyed themselves. I'm so glad we went out of our norm and tried this place. I can't wait to go back again. Thank you Kerrie, Mandi and Conor for inviting us!

Friday, March 24, 2017


After two day of stuffing, we have finally finished! The kids were such big helpers. We were able to stuff all the eggs for the Arizona Autism Network of the West Valley's Easter picnic this weekend. I love talking to the kids about giving back and helping others. We really had great conversations about what they could do for others and how they could make others feel included. I wish there were more days and times like these; just quiet reflections about life. 

Some of the toys didn't fit inside of the eggs, so Jayen confiscated one before I could get it in the box. He choose a yo-yo. At first I was mad because he wanted to play with it so bad but could not get it wrapped up again and brought it to me repeatedly. So I tried showing him again how to do it and by the second time he got it! He was rolling up the yo-yo independently!!!! Had I taken the toy away from him, he would not have had that opportunity. I'm so proud of her persistence and strong will (well, in this case I am!). Jayen Hochstein you never cease to amaze me. Just when I think you can't do something, you go and prove me wrong. Keep doing it buddy. You will go further than my mind could even imagine!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Waterfall trail

Apparently Grandma and Grandpa Kuchta were talking to Bob about the waterfall train and couldn't believe that we hadn't taken him. I guess when he came out last time we hadn't discovered it yet. So, of course, we had to save some time to take him! We woke up early and headed out before the sun was too high in the sky. Matt had just gotten off of work so he was able to come with us as well, even though he was pretty tired. 

We even took him to the nature center to see some of the animals that live in the desert! Uncle Bob saw the kids eyeing the flat penny machine. When they explained they have a flat penny collection book, he couldn't resist getting one for each of them. Now they have a memento from their time with Uncle Bob! We aren't ready to give him up tomorrow. Why do we always have to say goodbye?

We are so thankful for the time we did have with Uncle Bob and that he chose to spend his vacation with us. Thank you Uncle Bob! You made us feel so incredibly special!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Beauty and the Beast with my beauty and beasts!

Now this is something we don't do very often that I wish we did more of! Since the kids were off for Spring break this week, we went to the movies during the day! I grabbed the tickets and the two littles and saved our seats while Dalan went with Uncle Bob to the concession stand. Of course, he spoiled the kids with pop, popcorn and candy galore!

I wasn't able to get a picture of the other two beasts because the movie started. I think we all enjoyed the movie. Brilyn and I were at least. We were singing and dancing in our seats the entire time.
It's so fun to do the things with Uncle Bob that he did with me when I was little and that he does with some of the other nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews. We love being part of these memories with him! Thank you again Uncle Bob!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

He insisted!

The kids have been buttering up Uncle Bob in the most ridiculous way! They have been giving him the saddest of sob stories, telling him that we NEVER. .take them out to eat E.V.E.R. For some reason, Bob believed them and insisted we go out to eat after church today. After much fight, I gave in. Bob may be around kids quite often, but I don't believe he truly understood what it was going to be like taking MY KIDS to a restaurant to eat. He let Dalan choose which restaurant he wanted to go to and oddly enough he chose Olive Garden. Oh boy, we are all in for quite a treat! 😉
Well within the first two minutes, Jayen started getting upset and kicking and hitting Matt and I. Then he decided to lay down on the bench. After the kids ordered their slushies, Brilyn took two drinks out of hers before she dropped it on the floor letting the lid pop open and her entire slushie spilled out. Dalan and Brilyn discovered the gaming system at the table and somehow ordered games to play. Didn't realize you could do that until the bill came and the games were on the bill. After all the whining about going out to eat, Dalan orders a freaking pizza, Brilyn ordered mac n cheese, and Jayen didn't eat a single bite of anything. I thought it was a nearly 3 hour disaster, but everyone else seemed to enjoy themselves.

I guess I can agree that we don't do dining out like this very often, but my kids are not deprived by any means at all. I make them mac n cheese at home all the time. We order pizza more often than I care to admit. And Jayen refuses food no matter where we go. So, do we really need to "go out" to eat?
I guess it is a nice treat every once in a while. Thank you Uncle Bob for making Dalan's wish come true!

Saturday, March 18, 2017


He's here! He's here! He wasn't sure whether to come for Jayen's basketball game or during Spring break, but I'm so glad we decided on Spring break. Now we get to actually spend time with our "Favorite Uncle (FU) Bob".
We picked him up from the airport bright and early and asked him if he was ready to hit the ground running. His flight got in around 7:30 in the morning but that didn't stop us. We grabbed him and his bags and headed straight to Hole in the Rock. Jay and Abby Foxhoven found this place when they came to visit. It is such a fun place. I'm glad they discovered something for us that we can share with others. We were all excited to hike to the top, but Matt and Dalan decided to make it a little more challenging and hiked up the ravine instead of using the trail. I guess at times it was a little scary but they persevered and made it up with the biggest smiles I have ever seen.

After the hike we headed towards McCormick Stillman Railroad park. Raising Special Kids, the local parent training institute, as well as the Autism Society of Greater Phoenix were having their annual picnics. We had gone to this event in the past and loved it. We thought it would be a fun place to spend the afternoon. There was FREE horseback riding, petting zoo, carnival type games, train rides, rock climbing wall, carousel rides, and hotdogs, chips, and drinks. We played until we were too tired to move. The sun took a lot out of us.

So it was no surprise that everyone feel asleep in the car on the ride home. We couldn't stay forever since tonight was also a baseball night. We were able to stop back to the house and change into our baseball gear, fill up water bottles then head right back out the door again. I'm so glad Uncle Bob was able to be there for buddy baseball. It is one of our favorite things to do here in Arizona. He was even able to help Jayen be the honorary flag holder.

So glad you are here Uncle Bob! Can't wait to spend this week with you.

Friday, March 17, 2017

St. Patty's work party

It's Friday night and I'm getting ready to celebrate St. Patty's! Unfortunately, Matt is working and I'm at home with the kids and no sitter in sight. So we will celebrate with our corned beef and cabbage by packing it all up in the car and heading to the base to spend an unbelievably short amount of time eating with him before he has to rush off to fix something. I spent more time packing everything up then we actually did with dad, but we got to spend some time with him so I guess it was worth it. After getting home and getting the kids to bed, I still had work to do.
The work party continued on our living room floor. Papers were strewn in every direction (I could do that because the kids were in bed!) with no floor in sight. I was working on my IEP binder for Jayen's upcoming meeting. Yes, another one! We met in February and were not able to complete the IEP due to time and needing to get more baseline data. However, I did not realize that this meant they were finalizing it without my permission. So I am prepping myself and getting all my supporting documents ready. I know not everyone has to do this. I know that I could probably go in and get the things I think my son needs without all this work, but this is how I organize things. This is how I organize my head too.
This information is personal and I hope it isn't shared without my permission, but I think this can be helpful for others. I do have my degree in special education and elementary education which has helped me tremendously on this journey. I hope that my knowledge can help others.

I wanted to have on hand the first draft of the IEP from our meeting in February when we originally talked about it. So I included it at the front.

Then I added the finalized copy I was sent. There were a few changes but not all the changes we had discussed were included in the final copy.

I broke down each goal and printed them out individually.

Behind each goal I was able to add data and ideas for a working binder I wanted them to use. Previously they were having Jayen work on file folder games. I suggested getting games and things for him to do that correlated to his IEP goals.

If I have these ideas available then they are more likely to use them (and right away since they don't have to make them)

Baseline data was sent home so I included it behind each goal for reference.

Possible data collection ideas for the teacher. I will be strict on asking for data to see progress so I wanted to be in agreement what data tracking method we will be using.

Baseline data

Possible idea for working binder.

Possible idea for working binder.

Comments and edits are made on each goal. So when we discuss that particular goal, I have all the changes I want and the ideas in one place.

Baseline data

HWT work binder ideas

HWT work binder ideas. There is one for each letter of the alphabet so he can build each letter.

Possible data collection idea

Working binder ideas

I didn't agree with the baseline data as it was written on the IEP so I made a note about it and added in examples so I could defend my stance.
legibly I and his peers should be able to read at least the number 1 if not the number 0 as well. What are we accepting as accurate?  I will be collecting samples from another kindergarten classroom to compare with Jayen's to have a better idea of what is age appropriate and acceptable.
Jayen's work samples

The next section included all correspondence between myself and other members of the team. I had tried to contact one of them and did not receive a response. I wanted to have a copy of my emails with me so I could show my attempts to contact her. There were also emails from other members asking for clarification on specific goals. I wanted to have these on hand for the meeting as well.

When all the papers were picked up off the floor and found their corresponding place in the binder, it was time to celebrate. I was ready for this meeting. I was ready for a drink. And I was ready for bed.
One quick green beer and I was off to bed to worry more about the meeting!