About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

We love camping!

The heat in the valley is truly unbearable. The best way to escape is head into the mountains and camp! We thankfully have some amazing camping partners; our neighbors, Christian, Eva, their kids and dogs were able to join us. 
Jayen was trying to keep up with the big boys and wasn't successful so the dads worked on a special plan to keep him busy. They used all of their "Tim the toolman" skills and whittled a basketball hoop. They even got creative and unwrapped some twine to make the net. They were pretty proud of themselves. And most importantly, it kept Jayen busy for hours. Well, at least until the rain came!  

The rain kept us under cover or inside Christian and Eva's camper for a little while. I'm thankful for their hospitality. We could have survived under our canopy but it was nice to have shelter and share it with them. We ate and played cards.
The next morning things were dried out a little and we had to find new ways to keep the littles busy. Matt went back to his drawing board and came up with these swings.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How do you say "Goodybe" and "You've changed my life"?

I know people are put in your life for many reasons. Sometimes you figure out what you are supposed to do in their life and sometimes you figure out what they are supposed to do in yours. This little girl and her family have changed my heart in so many ways. I have loved watching Tori sing and dance at Sunday school, develop her baseball skills at buddy ball and just all around light up a room with her smile. I have loved watching her sister grow and develop into a walking, talking toddler with her spunk and attitude. I have enjoyed every conversation with their mommy. She gets my life because it is so similar to hers. This Air Force family understands my struggles and joys, tears and triumphs because they are theirs as well. Today I had to tell them goodbye and wonder when I will get to see them again. Like all military friends, they are on to their next duty station. We have enjoyed every moment with them and wished for many many more but duty calls. 
As a going away gift for Tori we wanted her out of her Diamondbacks shirt (the buddy team she plays on) and into a Cubs shirt (our team we coach). We also found a matching tutu (you will rarely find Tori without one) and a bunch of fun colored shoe strings. We hope she wears them often and thinks of us. 
We will miss you all and hope that our lives cross again. Until then, keep in touch!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Swim lesson HERO

Back home and back to the business of life. Today the kids started swim lessons again. Dalan is such a great swimmer but I wanted him to be a stronger swimmer and learn how to save someone. Jayen is still struggling moving both arms and legs, so we kept him in the beginner course. Brilyn is a little fish and recently learned how to swim under the water and without a floatie, but because she is so small we opted to keep her in the beginner course as well. 

My little hero tried saving the rest of his classmates from the bees hanging around the pool, but didn't realize it would result in getting stung; on the bottom of his foot of all places. Now we will have to go home and try different remedies so he can stop crying and possibly bear weight on it again. What a tough lesson!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

John and Erin's Wedding Reception

Our last day in Nebraska but more family to play with. Today we got to celebrate John and Erin's wedding with the Hochstein side. We got to play with more cousins and run around more. Dad even enjoyed a game of horseshoes and cards. 
But the fun always comes to an end. We had a long drive ahead of us and needed to get going. 

Thank you Nebraska and family for all the wonderful memories.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Omaha bound

It was getting time for us to head back towards Omaha before making our way to Arizona. We were able to meet up with Grandpa in Sioux City and tell him and the truck goodbye. We were all crying and sad to leave. Some of us might have been more sad we didn't get to ride the truck, but we were all sad none the less. We will see you again Papa! 

 In Omaha, we were able to stay with my friend Kourtney and her family. I finally got to meet her baby (who was nearly a toddler by now) Alex. Her oldest, Henry, really enjoyed playing with Dalan. Even though it was after the 4th, we kept a few fireworks to share with them. Kourtney wasn't sure how Henry would handle them, but after he saw Dalan lighting them off he was ready to get up in the action too.

Thank you Kourtney, Todd, Henry, and Alex for the great night!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

We've had some long days, but we still are trying to fit so much into our days. We slept in a little this morning but then went to Yankton to have lunch with Grandma and Allissa. My mom usually walks after she is done eating so I joined her for a few laps before heading to the dam to go fishing. 

Tom, Tanya, Madison, Hunter, Morgan and Brooklyn met us at the dam as well. It was such a hot day so when they got there we set up the pop up tent and let the boys fish while the girls sat in the shade. We didn't catch much of anything. I'm pretty sure we only pulled up two little fish. But Jayen was intrigued and even touched one. Whether we caught anything or not, the kids got to play with their cousins. They made memories and shared experiences. Nothing beats that! The ice cream at the Dairy Shack afterwards was a close second though!

When we got back to grandma and grandpa's that evening, Allissa had some gifts she wanted to share with the kids. She gave Brilyn and Brooklyn coloring books called I'm the Flower Girl and asked them to be the flower girls in her wedding. They were a little too excited and thought they were doing it right now. Not sure they will be able to wait an entire year!

Then she asked Jayen to be her ring bearer. We tried to explain to him what she was asking him to do, but I'm not sure he understood. He was just excited to get a present. Dalan, Madison and Hunter were asked to serve.

We helped put the kids to bed and took advantage of having family around and headed to the bar to help Adam celebrate his birthday! It really made Matt and I feel old but we enjoyed being there with him.

more family fun

We've had some long days, but we still are trying to fit so much into our days. We slept in a little this morning but then went to Yankton to have lunch with Grandma and Allissa. My mom usually walks after she is done eating so I joined her for a few laps before heading to the dam to go fishing. 

Tom, Tanya, Madison, Hunter, Morgan and Brooklyn met us at the dam as well. It was such a hot day so when they got there we set up the pop up tent and let the boys fish while the girls sat in the shade. We didn't catch much of anything. I'm pretty sure we only pulled up two little fish. But Jayen was intrigued and even touched one. Whether we caught anything or not, the kids got to play with their cousins. They made memories and shared experiences. Nothing beats that! The ice cream at the Dairy Shack afterwards was a close second though!

When we got back to grandma and grandpa's that evening, Allissa had some gifts she wanted to share with the kids. She gave Brilyn and Brooklyn coloring books called I'm the Flower Girl and asked them to be the flower girls in her wedding. They were a little too excited and thought they were doing it right now. Not sure they will be able to wait an entire year!

Then she asked Jayen to be her ring bearer. We tried to explain to him what she was asking him to do, but I'm not sure he understood. He was just excited to get a present. Dalan, Madison and Hunter were asked to serve.

We helped put the kids to bed and took advantage of having family around and headed to the bar to help Adam celebrate his birthday! It really made Matt and I feel old but we enjoyed being there with him.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

jam packed fun

Tanya invited us to join them at the Hartington library for story time this morning. I didn't realize they had this. It was so amazing. The story teller was so animated and had these amazing crafts for the kids to do after the story. I miss going to the library with the kids. I'm so glad she told us about this. After the story the kids ran off to the different activities, but Jayen hung pretty close to Morgan. The two of them went to the cup stacking activity. 

The kids tried the activity the way it was instructed but inevitably decided to try their own method. Even the parents got in on the fun! When it started getting a little competitive, my teacher instincts kicked in and I convinced them to work together to build the tallest one possible. We played for about an hour then decided to go back to Tom and Tanya's house to ride horses.

When we pulled up, Matt spotted a mulberry tree outside and took the kids over. They didn't even wait to wash them. They were stained from head to toe with mulberry juice. But enjoyed eating them right off the tree.

As scared as this kid is of dogs, I can't believe how willing he is to get on a horse. Although I think he would do anything Morgan told him to! And if he wasn't willing to do it or took to long to respond, Brilyn was right there ready to take his spot. That girl would live on a horse if she could. She is still trying to convince us that our backyard is big enough for a horse. My kids need a farm! But since we don't have one we will just come play at theirs as often as we can. 

Later that evening we went to enjoy a baseball game in Crofton. We were able to watch and cheer on not only Hunter, but our friends Darrin and Nolan as well. Tami and Jason Babcock used to live in Arizona but moved back to Nebraska. We miss hanging out with their family. The boys had such a great bond and friendship. Dalan walked up to Nolan before the game and it took him a couple minutes to realize who he was. He did a double take then said with excitement, "Dalan!".  I got to play with my friends Adalee and talk with Tami too.

After the game we went to Tami and Jason's new house. They gave us a tour, the kids destroyed their toy room and they were rewarded with ice cream. Wish we still lived close by, but the kids did great picking up right where they left off.